By leveraging Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and social media ads, keynote speakers can effectively target potential clients, increase their visibility, and drive bookings. Here’s how to harness the power of paid advertising to enhance your speaking career.
By leveraging Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and social media ads, keynote speakers can effectively target potential clients, increase their visibility, and drive bookings. Here’s how to harness the power of paid advertising to enhance your speaking career.
Who runs the world? Influencers. At least, that’s what it seems like on social media. In fact, the influencer marketing industry is projected to reach nearly $24 billion by the close of 2024. For brands, collaborating with influencers is crucial in connecting with your target audience. But how do you find the right influencers to […]
Influencers have become a game-changer for CPG brands looking to drive foot traffic and boost sales in physical retail locations. By leveraging the power of trusted voices on social media, brands can seamlessly connect the online buzz surrounding their products with the in-store shopping experience. The impact of influencer marketing on CPG in-store sales is […]
Gone are the days when banks could rely solely on traditional advertising methods like TV commercials or print ads. Today, customers want connection, trust, and authenticity—and that’s where influencer marketing steps in.
We did an experiment to see if geo-tagging locations on Instagram posts can boost performance. See our results!
When it comes to social media, Pinterest often flies under the radar for brands. However, the app has been having a bit of a revival and is attracting marketers who are starting to realize the platform’s unique potential. So, the question is: do brands really belong here? Here’s how some brands are thriving on the platform, and why we think any brand can (authentically) fit in on Pinterest.
So, November was… heavy. Without getting too far into it, the internet had a bit of a hard time finding peace in the storm of political turmoil and division. However, a few hearty trends did manage to break through the noise and bring us all a little laughter and inspiration. People found great ways to […]
As we move into December, it’s time to dive into the latest social media updates from November, so here’s an early present for you: A Brief Summary of Social Media Updates and News from November 2024: 1. Say goodbye to following hashtags on Instagram. It’s official: Instagram will remove the option to follow specific hashtags […]